Mystery Box Challenge!
The Mystery Box Challenge is Back!
Looking for a quick and fun project for your students this winter? The Mystery Box Challenge is back with a new list of items to use in creating a unique project to promote safe teen driving and/or safe winter driving tips at your school. Just pick 8 of the objects listed on the the Mystery Box Challenge Flyer and create something teen-friendly that appeals to students at your school. Maybe a music video, a public service announcement, a virtual display, or an activity for students to participate in. Just make sure students at the school can see, hear, or participate with the final product in some way!
Deadline: You have until February 14 at 5 pm to complete and submit your Mystery Box project for a chance to win one of three $200 cash prizes. Any club, classroom, or student team may participate, so please share this with teachers, club advisors, and students at your school. This flyer has all the details and can be copied to hand out or to post in the school.
For more information, email Mary King at or call at 804-461-0396. Projects entered for prizes will be judged based on creativity/effectiveness of the message in appealing to teens/youth, visibility of the YOVASO logo and 8 objects selected from the list, and number of students reached (saw or heard the message). Submit your entry(s) by February 14 by using the attached form or completing the online form at
Have fun, think outside the box, and enjoy the Mystery Box Challenge!
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