Summer Leadership Retreat

YOVASO Summer Leadership Retreat

Registration for the 2025 YOVASO Summer Leadership Retreat, “Tides, Vibes, and Safe Rides,” is now open.

The Retreat is happening July 17-20 at James Madison University (JMU) in Harrisonburg, VA and is only $15 for each student to attend or $75 for a team of six students and one adult sponsor. This fee includes overnight accommodations in the dorms at JMU, meals, retreat sessions and materials, and a retreat themed t-shirt, water bottle, backpack, and lanyard. The Retreat is for rising ninth graders through graduating seniors, teachers, School Resource Officers, and community youth groups focused on youth traffic safety programs.

The YOVASO Summer Leadership Retreat is held annually at JMU and has something for everyone, whether attending as an individual student to learn more about safe driving or as part of a school or youth group team!

For more details on the Summer Leadership Retreat, click the links below. 

Student/Parent Letter     |      SRO/Advisor Letter     |     Retreat Flyer   

Check back later for a full Retreat Agenda!

This year’s Retreat highlights include:

  • Project Impact – a simulated crash/hospital trauma bay
  • Leading Youth Motivational Speaker, Cara Filler
  • Personal Speakers who will share impactful stories of loss after a crash and how they’re turning tragedy into action
  • Glow Stick Game – Retreat teams will compete against one another for bragging rights and the team award!
  • The Amazing Race with a beach theme!
  • Team Building Activities
  • Talent Show
  • Pajama Party with music provided by everyone’s favorite, DJ Boogie!
  • TJohnE Game Show to test your knowledge of driver safety after four days of learning all about it!
  • YOVASO’s Annual Awards Banquet to recognize schools, youth groups, student leaders, SROs, Club Sponsors, and business partners for their contributions to young driver and passenger safety during the 2024-2025 school year.

Register for the Retreat!

To register, simply click the appropriate registration form below and submit electronically or print the Student Registration Form and/or Advisor/SRO Form below and return to YOVASO/Virginia State Police Division 6, 3775 West Main St, Salem, VA 24153. As noted above, the price for the Retreat is only $15 per person and the deadline to register is June 21. Refunds will only be given for cancellations made prior to this date. 

Those completing the online registration form, be sure to print and complete the Project IMPACT media waiver. Once you’ve completed the media waiver, scan and email it to Kendall Lythgoe at or return to YOVASO at the address above.

*Please note: If you plan to pay your registration fee online, you should have your debit/credit card information ready to pay on the last page of the form. However, we’ve also provided the link to pay below in the event you complete the registration form without submitting the payment and can’t go back. As a reminder, if you are attending with a group, be sure to check with your adult advisor or sponsor on how you should submit your payment.

Click below to download a copy of the Registration Form if you prefer to register by mail:

Student Registration Form & Packet     |     Advisor/SRO Registration Form & Packet

Goals for the Summer Leadership Retreat:

• Educate young drivers and passengers about their risk factors in a motor vehicle and how to reduce those risks through a variety of interactive training sessions, motivational speakers, and educational programs.

• Prepare students and their adult advisors to lead peer-to-peer safe driving and traffic safety programs in their schools and communities.

• Help build positive relationships between law enforcement and youth while working together to prevent young driver-related crashes, injuries, and fatalities.

The YOVASO Summer Leadership Retreat is always TONS of fun!